Frequently asked questions

What is the SunsHyne Corridor?

The SunsHyne Corridor was initiated by five leading european gas transmission infrastructure companies (SNAM, TAG, eustream, NET4GAS and OGE) and concerns the H2 import route from North Africa to Germany through Italy, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

All partners are members in the initiative European Hydrogen Backbone, which presented a vision of a hydrogen network for Europe.

The SunsHyne Corridor explores a feasible and affordable way to transport green hydrogen from future major production sites in North Africa to demand centers along the route.

What is the main objective of the SunsHyne Corridor?

The project’s ambition is to create a hydrogen backbone of more than 3400 km length from North Africa to Germany. And thus, to make large volumes of hydrogen from future areas for cost-effective green hydrogen production available to industrial hydrogen demand centres along the corridor, especially in Southern and Central Germany.

Why do we need the SunsHyne Corridor (H2 import)?

The partners of the SunsHyne Corridor support the vision that renewable and low-carbon hydrogen will play an essential role in achieving the climate targets of the Green Deal. The Repower EU Plan of the European Commission sets a target of 10 million tons of renewable hydrogen imports by 2030. The hydrogen import via the SunsHyne Corridor could significantly contribute to this hydrogen target.

The SunsHyne Corridor is also an indispensable prerequisite for establishing a hydrogen economy along the corridor in Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe.

How much H2 can be potentially imported from North Africa through SunsHyne Corridor?

The project partners have started to explore the technical feasibility of creating a hydrogen backbone along the SunsHyne Corridor. Under current assumptions the import capacity potential from North Africa is around 450 GWh/day which equivalent to around 5 Mt/y of hydrogen.

What is the expected timeline for implementation of the SunsHyne Corridor?

In December 2022 the project partners submitted PCI applications under the revised TEN-E regulation. The aim is to take the hydrogen infrastructure into operation at latest by 2030. To turn this project into reality also requires action from the political sphere. Among others a predictable and efficient regulatory framework is needed as the partners are fully regulated and unbundled transmission infrastructure operators. A more detailed timeline can be found here.

Why did the SunsHyne Corridor partners apply for PCI status?

The Projects of Common Interest are based on the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) policy, which focuses on linking the energy infrastructure of the European countries together. As energy infrastructure is a key for energy transmission, the TEN-E contributes to the EU emissions reduction objectives by promoting the integration of renewables and new clean energy technologies.

As part of the policy, eleven priority corridors and three priority thematic areas have been identified. The projects of the SunsHyne Corridor are part of one of these corridors, the “Hydrogen Interconnections in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe (HI East)”.

Projects of Common Interest are defined as key cross-border infrastructure projects that link the energy systems of EU countries, contributing to EU energy policy and climate objectives. Projects that become classified as PCI projects have benefits such as accelerated planning and permit granting, a single national authority for permit granting, improved regulatory conditions, and increased visibility to investors. The EU supports to work together to develop better connected energy networks and provides funding for new energy infrastructure projects.

To receive PCI status, submitted projects are assessed against criteria such as market integration, competition, security of supply, and the contribution to the energy and climate goals. The work is coordinated by regional groups, decision is made by the Member States and the Commission. The Group consists of the EC, Member States, national regulatory authorities, TSOs, as well as the Commission, the Agency and the ENTSO-G. To ensure stakeholder involvement, organisations representing them, including producers, distribution system operators, suppliers, consumers, and organisations for environmental protection, are part of the consulting process. More information about the PCI can be found at: Projects of Common Interest (